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- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... for return to driving at one year after stroke included sex, motor deficits, and stroke severity at ...... ., Han, E. Y., & Kim, Y. (2018). Prediction of return to driving after the first-ever stroke in Korea ...... of daily living status on resuming driving after stroke. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27 ...... , OTR, MS, OTD Chair, School of Occupational Therapy Date POST-STROKE DRIVING REHABILITATION 1 A ...... Indianapolis POST-STROKE DRIVING REHABILITATION 2 Abstract Background: Researchers completed a retrospective ...
- Schöpfer:
- Finnegan, Britanny, Klemp, Hannah, Elliott, Hanna, Solares, Lesly, and Householder, Brooke
- Beschreibung:
- "Background: Researchers completed a retrospective analysis of driving evaluations in a driver-retraining program post diagnosis of cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The purpose of the research was to determine predictors for a...
- Ressourcentyp:
- Dissertation
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... ., Brosseau, L., Finestone, H. M., ... & Wilson, K. G. (2007). Predictors of driving ability following stroke ...... ., & Walker, R. (2015). Older people's attitudes towards resuming driving in the first four months post-stroke ...... the research advisor: Lori Breeden, EdD, OTR Running Header: NEW DRIVER TRAINING PROGRAM 1 A Research ...... training program. Method: Forty-one de-identified driving evaluation and discharge records were examined ...... more likely to have adequate on-road driving skills of braking/acceleration, four way stop, lining the ...
- Schöpfer:
- Erb, Elizabeth, Delph, Mindy, Kraft, Megan, Patton, Hannah, and Wagner, Savanah
- Beschreibung:
- "Background: Researchers examined existing new driver training records to determine factors associated with successful completion of a driver training program. Method: Forty-one de-identified driving evaluation and discharge...
- Ressourcentyp:
- Dissertation
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... research advisor: Lori Breeden, EdD, OTR, Associate Professor A Research Project Entitled Return to ...... in photos each week. After completing the assignment, participants selected photos that were the most ...... process of returning to community based instrumental activities of daily living after a brain injury ...... through after acquiring a brain injury. The purpose of this study is to examine the lived experience of ...... injury as well as their life post& Lentin, 2016). Cognition One area of cognition often affected after a ...
- Schöpfer:
- Yerem, Kelsey, Batchelor, Hanah, Voth, Kendra, Watkins, Alexandria, Allen, Claire, and Burt, Alison
- Beschreibung:
- The purpose of this study was to examine the lived experience of individuals with a brain injury as they engage in occupations in their community, including employment, shopping, and attending social events. Brain injuries...
- Ressourcentyp:
- Capstone Project
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... each interview (Breeden et al., 2019; Portney & Watkins, 2009). After the researchers member-checked ...... therapists also provide resources and services for older adults to help them transition from driving to using ...... qualitative study, similar to the methodology reported by Breeden et al. (2019). Researchers utilized a ...... photograph images of their environment (Breeden et al., 2019). A card was attached to each camera with step ...... for photo taking (Breeden et al., 2019). According to the American Occupational Therapy Association ...
- Schöpfer:
- Jenny Ashton, Emma Baldwin, Ariel Galliher, Molly Johnson, and Allison Trimpe
- Datum:
- 2020-12
- Ressourcentyp:
- Capstone Project
- Keyword-Übereinstimmungen:
- ... capstone advisor: Lori Breeden, EdD, OTR Running head: ROLE OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH ...... their chief vision complaints, participants reported reading and driving (Brown et al, 2014). Older ...... Form, refer to Appendix A, as well as verbally after completion to expand their thoughts. In the ...... (see Appendix A). After each completed assessment, therapists approached me to further discuss their ...... practice area. Individuals with vision impairment after a neurological event or more slowly acquired low ...
- Schöpfer:
- Brown, Hailey
- Beschreibung:
- The purpose of the doctoral capstone experience (DCE) at Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) was to enhance clinical skills specifically in vision occupational therapy as well as develop resource documents ensuring...
- Ressourcentyp:
- Dissertation