

Neue Suche Filtern nach: Stichwort honors Filter Stichwort: honors entfernen


1. Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase gene expression and color change in the protandrous flowers of Saponaria officinalis

2. Comics and Curricula: Multimodal Literature in the Modern Classroom

3. Functionalization of Silica Gel with a Chiral Moiety

4. Perceptions of Parental Leave Policies in Healthcare Settings

5. Values in 4 Parts: Music and Text Bound by the Limitless Constraints of the Oulipo

7. Spermiogenesis within the Testis of the Mexican Whiptail Lizard, Aspidoscelis Costata

8. Identifying Plant Species by Leaf Venation Patterns Using Machine Learning

9. Recipes From An Italian American Kitchen

10. Ultrastructural Study of Spermiogenesis in Masticophis flagellum, the Coachwhip Snake