Welcome to Fallen Crest is an interconnected collection of short stories that follows three children, siblings Charlotte "Charly" and twins Robert and Louis "Louie" Stephens over the course of eight years as they grow up with...
This study was designed to determine how political candidates use Twitter. The tweet analysis considered both content of the tweets and the use of technical Twitter functions. A total of 1347 tweets were analyzed from 10...
To try to present the topic of family dysfunction in a new light, families dealing with death, addiction, sickness, cheating, and divorce were written into a fictional post-apocalyptic world. This suspension of reality revealed...
Packaged dry kibble is the main source of nutrients for most household dogs. As such, it is important that kibble contains proper amounts of various metals necessary for biological functions including ATP production,...
Hair color and gender are two factors that are seldom studied together in snap judgment research of impressions of others. However, past research suggests that women are more frequently stereotyped in regards to their hair...
The erigonine subfamily (family linyphiidae) currently consists of about 2,000 tiny (< 2mm) spiders. Little is known about their taxonomy and classification due to their small size and that female erigonines lack a taxonomic...
The poetic texts in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings have provided a wealth of resources to writers and composers since their publishing. Varying in style, character, and idea, these poems and songs offer an inside look...
This study measured the extent of the effect that benefits and barriers have on physical therapy clinical instructors, examined relationships between demographics and benefits and barriers, and discovered additional benefits,...
Pens, Pencils, & Pain(t) is an exploration of and reflection on my experiences with chronic low back pain through art. While those close to me knew about my pain, I struggled to describe my experiences and even found I had...